Three Winters
"Another excellent production by the E15 Acting School which skilfully portrayed the family struggles and challenges over three generations set against the political situation in Croatia. It was particularly moving to see how the same characters interacted in the different scenes set at different times and how each one grew up and took on a new family role. I loved the scene where Rose’s mum reminisces about her youth when she was flattered and seduced by the son of the house and she becomes alive and animated instead of the shuffling elderly woman ordered about by everyone. The handling of Croatian politics was cleverly done as the background to events without over complicating the story."
-The Audience Club
Around the World in 80 Days
"It's always a treat to watch the performances from the E15 Acting School students and this was no exception. Funny, heart-warming, well produced, tightly directed and well-acted we had a great evening. The sound, lighting and costume crews also deserve a mention. Well done cast and crew."
"Great entertainment from the cast that really looked as if they were loving every minute as much as the audience. Five stars!"
"Clever and professionally put together theatre production. Great energy and full of fun. Thoroughly enjoyed it."
"An explosion of joyous talent - superb acting, singing, and dancing, the 2 hours passed in no time - heartiest congratulations to all involved - those on stage and backroom."
- The Audience Club
High School English
at the 2018 Edinburgh Fringe
"High School English takes place in a classroom as four students and their very stressed teacher explore some classic texts and the messages behind them, in a modern environment. The talented TAMARA KOLTES is their very under-supported teacher who struggles to cater for each of their different learning difficulties."
-Lucy Samson - August 26, 2018